I automate stuff. Scrapping. Botting. Tests. Tasks. Workflows. Data. Etc.
I love all things automation too. I've had an opportunity to visit a number of factories and plants that use automation to produce things. Even boring widgets are interesting to watch on the assembly line.
Some people try to stop me from automating stuff. That's my favorite part! Mostly because I was a fail student and there is a lot of big money in anti-automation. It is always fun to defeat some PhD's anti-scrapping/botting methods.
I also enjoy saving time. Someone performing a repetitive task? Automate it away!

What kind of content will I post?
Anything and everything related to automation. Helpful hints for automated testing. Avoiding anti-automation mechanisms. Ways to hide that you're a bot, scraper, or using automated tools.
Available for talks or consulting.
Email: {Three special letters} @ {window.location.hostname}