Some bots are dumb bots and that's okay! I no longer play Rainbow 6 Siege, but when I did I wanted the cool skins, guns, and all the operators. As you played you got an in game currency called 'Renown'. Well, you had to play to get this currency or you could pay money for 'R6 Credits'. As a busy individual I didn't get a chance to play that much. I was also pretty shit at the game. So what did I do? Automation!

You could start a bot game called Terrorist Hunt. I believe the Protect Asset mode. If you sit there and lose? Well, you get the currency. Not much. But, you got some. Do it for a few hours and you could buy whatever you wanted. So, I created a simple AutoIt script to create a game, wait for death, close game. Repeat. Leaving it running overnight and I'd wake up to a bunch of currency.

"But you lose." "Your stats suck." Who cares? I got to unlock everything I wanted much faster than those who 'Got Gud'.

You need to remember that not every bot needs to be awesome. It just needs to get the job done.